Achieve Moonshot Results in Negotiations

Reach Escape Velocity with our negotiation upskilling and coaching services!

Emotions and Fear have a big impact on negotiation results:

Anxious negotiators make agreements that are 12% less financially attractive. (Source: Harvard Business Review). 

  • 85% of recruiters expect the candidate to negotiate, yet only 29% of recently graduated MBAs negotiate their package  
    (Source: Transparent
  • Fear is the #1 reason to not negotiate salary (Source:
  • 64% of salespeople do not control their emotions. (Source: Objective Management Group)

Driving success through two fundamental actions:

Access & Grow Resources     X

That move you forward

Overcome Blocks              =

That hold you back

Moonshot Results

In career & business negotiations

Winning Combination of Negotiation Expertise and Confidence Coaching: 

I bring a unique combination of 25+ years of C-level negotiation experience with some of the world's leading brands, including P&G, LEGO, and Deufol (B2B), as well as expertise as a certified Mastercoach (Integrated Emotions Approach) & Trainer.


My approach enables us to help you overcome fear and anxiety so that you can achieve outstanding results in your negotiations. 
Let us help you liberate your full potential and unlock your success.

Marcel Deveny Negotiation Expert


“Marcel is outstanding in bringing a business (relationship) to the next level, which results in improved bottom-line results and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Marcel is the top in co-creating win/win solutions in extremely complex situations where “Fingerspitzengefühl” (emotional mastery) is a sine qua non. It is obvious that Marcel is very well trained and experienced in both the hard skills and the soft skills of negotiations and  customer relationships and that he enjoys passing his learnings on to others.”  

Marc Hübner, Member of the Board at Deufol SE

“Marcel's support in negotiations is where he truly shines. His coaching reduced my fear, increased my confidence and boosted the value of my offer with $30k!"


Corporate Strategy Director at a healthcare company, IMD MBA Graduate Class of 2022

Moonshot Negotiation Services

Marcel Deveny Business Negotiation Training

For Business Owners & Functional Leaders: 
Unlock your Organization's Growth Potential with our Comprehensive Negotiation Training – it offers vital negotiation skills and frameworks that empower you and your team to achieve your organization's goals with confidence, driving your business to new heights.

Marcel Deveny Executive Education

For Career Services Teams in Advanced & Specialized Education: 
Enhancing Student Success through Confidence-building trainings, Advanced Interviewing and Negotiation Techniques to create Success and boost your School’s Ratings.

For Business Executives: 
The coaching program is tailored to elevate  careers and businesses to the next level. I provide personalized guidance to help you navigate the inner and outer landscapes, overcome challenges, identify resources, and achieve your professional goals.

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