Emotions and Fear have a big impact on negotiation results:

Anxious negotiators make agreements that are 12% less financially attractive. (Source: Harvard Business Review). 

  • 85% of recruiters expect the candidate to negotiate, yet only 29% of recently graduated MBAs negotiate their package  
    (Source: Transparent MBA.com)
  • Fear is the #1 reason to not negotiate salary (Source: salary.com)
  • 64% of salespeople do not control their emotions. (Source: Objective Management Group)

Driving success through two fundamental actions:

Access & Grow Resources     X

That move you forward

Overcome Blocks              =

That hold you back

Moonshot Results

In career & business negotiations

Elevate your Career and Business Success

Marcel Deveny Executive Coach

The 1:1 personal coaching provides numerous benefits, including personalized guidance and support tailored to the individual's unique challenges and goals. Through individual coaching, clients can gain valuable insights, develop new skills, and overcome challenges to achieve their full potential in business and beyond. 


onto the stage in front of around 400 people. I was in a state of shock: speaking in English on the fly – I couldn't prepare for that. My heart was beating wildly, my fear of being incomprehensible and my nervousness grew - that catapulted me ad hoc into unknown difficulties. Pure stress! It was impossible for me to perform in this condition. Salvation was literally sent from heaven: Marcel Deveny, who was still unknown to me, offered to coach me. Marcel immediately created a trusting level, prepared me safely and purposefully for my challenge and converted my desperate emotions into empowering energy. Relieved of my fear and armed with concrete tools, I managed to have a truly special, new positive experience on stage - which today, four years later, still allows me to appear strengthened and confident. Focusing on the content instead of being trapped by negative emotions - that was an instructive, formative moment. As if a miracle had happened. Thank you, Marcel Deveny!”.

Former CTO leading German publishing company 

“I originally engaged Marcel to work on negotiation, specifically to understand what was driving the fear and anxiety that I often experience when negotiating. As we began working together, we uncovered a lot of unprocessed barriers that needed to be worked on, including also some life-themes.  Since then, Marcel coached me several times in which he enabled me to process and overcome these barriers. Unlike other coaches, Marcel went beyond identifying and thinking through what I needed to work on; instead, he also helped me process the underlying emotions like fear. Furthermore, he also instilled in me relevant resources for long term success like self-confidenceI feel like a completely different person: freed from fear, filled with calm confidence. Without Marcel’s help, I would have left with some understanding of my feelings and behaviors from working with other coaches but would have taken me ages - if ever - to fully process and resolve the underlying root causes in order to become truly free and act and perform at my full potential. 

MBA, former County Director Guidewheel 

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